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Dashboards (v2 - In Development)

v1 published, v2 during H2 2024-H1 2025.

The app has a "Dashboards" feature which is built to visualize any data in the most flexible way possible. Dashboards started as an idea to allow for customizing the app layout exactly to the users' needs due to the widely varying use cases we were presented with.


Due to the positive feedback on version 1, we are currently building the next version of dashboards to be faster, more flexible, extensible, and integrated with the app via automations and alerting. We also prioritize user-friendliness in the dashboard building process by implementing a drag-and-drop diagramming tool to visualize the steps in a widget.

A dashboard is a single page with a collection of widgets. Each widget displays some data that the user defines. The widget is built through a wizard with steps defining everything from which data to see, which filters to apply, and how the data should be visualized.


Dashboards can be shared with your teammates in-app.


The new version of dashboards has a drag-and-drop flow builder where each widget is visualized as a series of steps. It starts with some data input, then next steps could be performing math operations or applying filters on the output of the previous step. To finish up the building process, the visualization is selected with parameters that can be adjusted. Additionally, the widget can be connected with other actions in the system via the automations feature.


You can take the temperature of a sensor as input, then smoothen the data with a moving average, filter for outliers, then visualize in a line chart and trigger a notification if the value crosses some threshold, or an outlier is detected in the data.


When building widgets, a certain series of steps could be valuable to easily re-use in other widgets to replicate a process. For this problem, we introduce "flows" in Dashboards v2. When having built some series of steps that you want to easily replicate to other widgets, these steps can be saved as a flow and re-used in the "Builder". Further information will be added further down the development process as pieces are taking shape.

Organizing Dashboards

Version 1 of the dashboards allowed for organizing dashboards into folders by using tags. All OEE related dashboards could be grouped together in a "OEE" folder by adding the "OEE" tag to each dashboard.

The new version of dashboards allows for organizing dashboards into folders by drag-and-drop in the sidebar. This way you can easily manage a large collection of dashboards.


Dashboards can be exported either manually or by a planned schedule to a PDF file.

The export on schedule feature is planned to be available in H1 2025.

Use Case

Let's say you have a status meeting every Friday at 10 am. You can then build a dashboard that displays the exact metrics you want to present and plan it to export to a PDF 15 minutes before the meeting. The PDF export will then land in your email inbox every Friday at 9:45 am with the metrics you need for the meeting.

Individual widgets can too be exported to e.g. a csv, xlsx or json file.